Friday, June 27, 2014


Laying of the first stone of the complex coal Salkadamna in the Tahoua region: Glimmer of hope for energy independence of Niger - 26 June 2014

By Zabeirou Moussa, Special Envoy-The Sahel  
Translated via FB
Issoufou was inaugurated thaoua
The era of energy independence is taking shape for our country, and with it that of Niger energy exporter. Long sung, but always postponed, there finally believes.

And because the President of the Republic, Head of State Mahamadou Issoufou conducted yesterday in the village of Salkadamna 80 km northwest of the town of Tahoua in the rural town of Takanamatt, laying the foundation stone of gigantic coal complex that will allow our country to mine coal in this important field, discovered in 1981, but mainly produce electrical energy through the thermal power plant that will be built. This plant, the largest in Niger, has a production capacity of 600 MW. This is well above the national electrical energy required and it finally sound the death knell of chronic energy dependence Niger vis-à-vis other countries. 

Laying the first stone marks the start of construction activities of this complex by American society "Sources California Energy Services." His arrival at the airport in the town of Tahoua Salkadamna, the people of the area came out massively to welcome the President of the Republic, HE. Mahamadou Issoufou, and the large delegation accompanying him. Three aircraft were mobilized to transport members of the imposing presidential delegation came to attend this umpteenth historic milestone of the era of the Renaissance Niger. 

Tahoua A city, as in the villages along the tortuous and difficult path leading to Salkadamna , people came out to greet the Head of State. Thus the presidential motorcade had to mark several stops to allow the President Issoufou to communicate with the people, whose legendary hospitality and welcome the traditional sense have never been lacking. It is ultimately up to 13h as the Head of State arrived in Salkadamna, after more than three hours away. 
Onsite is a jubilant crowd, compact, and full of emotion waiting for the presidential delegation witness this new page in the history of Niger which is being written in their locality. All local cultural and artistic heritage, from the parade of songs and camel riders through dances, and ululating women, was deployed in perfect harmony. It is in this carnival atmosphere as the ceremony began. 

And as is the tradition, it is the regional local authorities who took the first speech, the mayor of the rural town of Takanamatt and the governor of the region of Tahoua . The first to welcome the President of the Republic and his delegation and expressed the gratitude of the 44,049 inhabitants of the town that succinctly presented. The coal complex is added to a series of actions implemented by the highest authorities and contributing to improving the living conditions of populations. The mayor also noted the support provided by the company in charge of the complex to its common in various areas of socioeconomic life. The Governor of the administrative region of Tahoua, M Barmou Salifou Tahoua had to say that few industrial units there shortly. But now everything has changed, is changing the benefit of Nigerians and the people of the region thanks to the commitment of the President of the Republic for the development of significant mining potential that abound the basement area.

He recalled the recently launch the work of the cement Keita but also to extend the Malbaza. With the launch of the construction of the coal complex and commissioning of the new power plant is thousands of temporary jobs will be created initially, then hundreds of other standing in a second time, noted Governor Barmou Salifou adding that the plant will provide energy continuously. With 600 MW, it will make Niger an excess production therefore exporter of precious juice, essential tool for the development of our country era. Besides producing charcoal for home use that will fight against desertification, the company is committed to support the Niger through the construction of various infrastructures. The governor praised the efforts made ​​by the authorities before asking its citizens and all Nigerians to support the President of the Republic and his government in their tracks to provide our country with adequate infrastructure development. 

Minister of Energy and Petroleum, Mr. Foumakoye Gado, reminded the audience that the laying of the first stone Salkadamna comes after that of the central 100c MW Gorou Banda in Niamey in April 2013. history of coal to Salkadamna since 1981 and 82 during the sinking of wells in two villages in the locality during which coal indices were detected recalled the minister. Naturally this has aroused the interest of Nigerian authorities and partners for the energetic valorisation of scope which covers an area of 489km2. Research were undertaken resulting in the discovery of exploitable reserves of more than 60 million tonnes coal with very high calorific value of only 30 km2 of the total area. 

Among the many partners of Niger, California Source Services Ernergy s' is engaged with the Government of Niger for the recovery of the deposit through a major strategic project between the two parties. The Minister said that Gado Foumakoye Source California Energy Services will establish a opencast mine, build a thermal power plant and a 600MW unit annual output of 100,000 tons of charcoal charred household, a city for the personnel. Added to this is the construction of the road-Tahoua Salkadamna that will come with this project. The minister said that this is a project truly multifaceted integrator "will significantly impact the socio-economic development of the region in particular, Niger and the sub-region in general." This is an amount of 740 billion CFA francs to be invested by the partner company for the realization of all these above work but also construction, for more than 150 FCFA millirards, several solar power plants with a capacity of 150 MW in all regions of the country and two hospitals.

Speaking of the issue of energy, the Minister Foumakoye Gado said that soon the plight of load shedding will be a distant painful memory. The transmission and distribution will be strengthened to meet any demand. And Niger will be able to export its surplus production to neighboring countries, to develop its industrial hub with the installation of the units due to the availability of energy, which formerly was lacking. The thousands of jobs that will be created will allow the development of economic activities and significantly reduce the flow of migration that characterizes some regions. The Minister of Energy and Petroleum has put it all to President Issoufou Mahamadou assets in the field of energy that has developed to its political will and vision to make possible the realization of a structuring project dimension Salkadamna. 

Mr. Foumakoye Gado add that this is the same energy that put Mahamadou Issoufou President to realize the old dream of Nigerians, one to see the train arrive in our country. Linking the two projects, the Minister of Energy and Petroleum promised that "when the train whistle three times Gaya Malgorou, Dosso, Birni N'Gaouré, Niamey and Tera, the Kilowatt hour produced here in Salkadamna, feed the same localities and will illuminate in other homes in the neighboring countries. " He reiterated his conviction and confidence with the completion of all projects launched or in the process of being President Issoufou profoundly revolutionize the economic and social life of Niger. 

President of the group "Source California Energy Services» M David MC Millan thanked and congratulated the Head of State for the completion of this project will contribute to the prosperity of Niger. He said his group will provide the Niger experience of over 40 years in the industry to make our country a major energy player in Africa because it has all energy sources. Speaking specifically of Salkadamna project, Mr. McMillan said that his company has the equipment and modern technology to operate the plant safely, efficiently providing electricity in compliance with environmental standards. He said he was proud and happy to share its expertise with Niger and is committed to the logic of technology transfer and support Niger in its efforts of economic development, in particular through the support of any kind to people . 
Having laid the foundation stone and symbolically launched the work of the construction of the complex, the President of the Republic addressed the people present at the ceremony. The Head of State praised the national figures and representatives of friendly countries who performed with him moving Salkadamna. The ceremony today is the realization of a promise Mahamadou Issoufou said President before recalling the previous ceremony of laying the first stone of the cement plant in the village of Garadaoua Keita, who is the fulfillment of another promise. In addition to actions within the scope of the kingly mission of the State relating to security, defense, education, health, nutrition, the President of the Republic stated that there are works that fall history. 

Existing authorities give their full attention, deploy efforts and bring the energy needed for their realization. '' Today the work that history will be the number three (3). This is the railway, by the grace of God is being raised for the first time in the country who has dreamed since 80a ns. It is also the hydroelectric dam Kandadji. It will be implemented shortly'' promised the Head of State.As for the third project, it is the power plant that will provide 600MW Niger where the surplus will be exported to neighboring countries. The President praised and thanked the company Source California Energy Services has decided to invest significant resources in this project and the achievement of other infrastructures for the benefit of the Nigerian people. 

Monday, June 23, 2014


Quel est le prix pour avoir la paix en franafrique ?

Y-a-t-il un prix a payer par les dirigeants africains pour avoir la paix ? Tout porte a croire que oui. L'ancien president ivoirien M. Laurent Gbagbo affirme dans un livre a paraitre ( Pour la Verite et la Justice) le 26 juin prochain avoir finance en 2002 la campagne electorale de l'ancien president francais Jacques Chirac, estimant que "c'etait le prix pour avoir la paix, en Francafrique".

C'est au moins pour la deuxieme fois qu'un ancien president africain affirme ouvertement avoir debloque de l'argent pour soutenir un dirigeant francais dans un processus electoral.
Peu de temps avant le lancement de l'intervention des forces etrangeres en Libye, le president Kaddafi indiquait dans une interview a France3 avoir verse de l'argent a Nicolas Sarkozy en 2007.''
C'est nous qui lui avons fourni les fonds qui lui ont permis de gagner", "Il est venu me voir alors qu'il était ministre de l'intérieur. Il m'a demandé un soutien financier", affirmait alors le dictateur. Accusation reitiree pluatrd par son  clan qui precisait avoir verse quelque 50 millions de dollars a M. Sarkozy. 

Le hic, c;est qu'il faut puiser dans les maigres ressources de l'etat et la paix n'est pas garantie.
Les dirigeants francais manquent-ils a ce point de scrupule malgre leur beau discours sur la democratie, le developpement et la lutte contre la corruption?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Niger : construction prochaine de la Route du Nord

NIAMEY, 7 juin (Xinhua) -- Les travaux de construction de la Route du Nord du Niger ou "Boucle de l'Aïr", longue de 485 km, vont débarrer incessamment, apprend-on samedi à Niamey de source officielle.
Une communication du ministre nigérien de l'Equipement sur l'appel d'offres des travaux de bitumage de cette route en été faite au conseil des ministres réuni vendredi à Niamey. More